Can We Fight Social Media’s Promotion of Junk Food?

MDedge | Family Medicine

Yoni Freedhoff, MD

Three basic truths about ultra processed foods: Junk food, available pretty much everywhere, tastes great. Advertising works. And most of us don’t crave green leafy salads when we’re hungry.

Of those three truths, the one that tends to get more public health attention is advertising. More specifically, advertising junk food to kids.

Back in the days when cable television was king of all free time, study after study tried to quantify junk- and fast-food advertising to kids and speculated about its impact on childhood obesity rates. But as broadcast television use began fading, advertisers — and, of course, studies about advertising — turned their attention first to gaming and now to social media.

The social media numbers are quite staggering. According to a study published — probably not coincidentally — on Halloween, looking at the 40 top brands of junk- and fast food sold in Canada, those 40 brands alone were mentioned over 16 million times by social media users, reaching an estimated 42 billion total users within a 1-year period.

And unique to the challenge of junk- and fast-food advertising on social media is that it also includes “earned” advertising, the kind not paid for by manufacturers but rather the kind where friends, family, and influencers post about junk food. Occasionally, though, these lines are blurred by initiatives from fast-food manufacturers explicitly encouraging social sharing. Consequently, even were there a desire, there isn’t likely to be a regulatory mechanism to markedly reduce it.

For years, here in North America, excepting Quebec, the desire has been mainly to just talk about how concerned we are about junk-food advertising to kids. Elsewhere, however, some countries tried to do more, including both Mexico and Chile, which put kid-targeted TV food advertising bans in place in 2014 and 2016, respectively.

Did they work? It depends on what outcome you’re considering. If the question is, did they work in regard to obesity? — which is how everyone tends to frame the question — by themselves, probably not. No one sandbag stops a flood, and though junk-food advertising is certainly a sandbag, we’re still facing a torrential downpour of obesity contributors. No doubt they did work to reduce kids’ exposure to junk-food advertising on television, but what remains to be seen is whether there is a means to now tackle social media’s generous servings of the same. Moreover, the obesity lens is the wrong one. Ultra processed food consumption isn’t good for anyone, regardless of weight, and its reduced marketing and consumption is a worthy goal of its own.

But Chile and Mexico are filling more than single sandbags, as both countries have rolled out a suite of interventions they are hoping will help improve nutrition: from front-of–package labeling reforms and warnings, to the banning of advertising geared specifically to appeal to children (like sugary cereal cartoon mascots), to implementing sugar-sweetened-beverage taxes, to having blanket overall bans on food advertising during the daytime.

Mexico is even taking first steps to start addressing junk food’s ubiquity by banning its sale in schools altogether. Schools found to be selling common Mexican junk food fare, such as sugary fruit drinks; chips; artificial pork rinds; and soy-encased, salty peanuts with chili, will see their administrators facing heavy fines.

Because therein lies the biggest rub. Going back to those three simple truths, junk food is hyperpalatable and consequently tends to be what we crave when we’re hungry. So even if we miraculously one day do more than just talk about advertising reforms, and especially given that we won’t be able to do anything about social media’s earned product placements, junk food’s ubiquitous availability within arms’ reach or on our Uber Eats apps will see us be likely to continue its excessive consumption.

That’s not to say we shouldn’t emulate Mexico and Chile’s initiatives, nor that they shouldn’t continue to build upon them, but one thing is certain: Human nature and inconvenient truths around food are incredibly powerful forces that we haven’t yet figured out how to tame.

Dr. Freedhoff, Associate Professor, Department of Family Medicine, University of Ottawa; Medical Director, Bariatric Medical Institute, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, has disclosed relevant financial relationships with Bariatric Medical Institute, Constant Health, Novo Nordisk, and Weighty Matters.

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